3 Steps to Avoid Writer’s Block and Improve Content Value

3 Steps to Avoid Writer’s Block and Improve Content Value

By Sté Kerwer to Blogging, Setup

Keeping a little “idea notebook” to give you something to write about is one thing, but avoiding writer’s block is only part of the problem. Anyone can write a post about “What I Did Over Christmas Vacation.” The trick is to write good quality content that provides value for your readers. Here are three steps to help you out.

The Ideas In Your Notebook Should Be Relevant

Lots of well-known authors carry an idea notebook in their pocket and it makes sense. How many times have you had a good idea and when it came time to write you couldn’t remember what it was? If you write it down as soon as you think of it then soon you’ll have a whole list of good article ideas you can pull from when writer’s block hits.

Even ideas like “What I Did Over Christmas Vacation” are good ideas – as long as you make them relevant for your audience. For example, if you have a tech blog, your readers really don’t care if you went over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house for Christmas. But they would be interesting in hearing how you spent the day setting up your new iPad.

When you jot down those article ideas, also include a note about how you can make that article relevant for your own audience.

Read Other Blogs – All The Time

The only way to know what everyone’s talking about is to get out there and listen to the conversations. Your blog is just one little corner of the world and it’s unrealistic to assume that your readers aren’t visiting other blogs, too. If you never leave your blog you’re going to be giving your readers a pretty once-sided viewpoint.

Pay close attention when you’re reading those other blogs, too. That’s where you’ll get some of your best controversial article ideas.

Read other blogs, all the time, to stay abreast of the current news in your niche, and then learn how to make that news relevant for your specific audience.

Use Basic Article Templates

Learn how to write four basic types of articles: List Articles, How-To Articles, Review Articles, and Controversial Articles.

If you always have these four basic article types in mind and you truly are an expert in your niche, then you’ll never be at a loss for a good article idea. You simply say to yourself, “Hmmm… I haven’t written a good How-To article lately. What can I show my readers how to do today?” Or the next time you’re reading another blog and you see an article you disagree with, you’ll immediately think of ideas for a good, controversial article.

Everyone experiences writer’s block. It’s inevitable when you consider how much writing a blogger has to do every day. Keeping an idea notebook at hand is just part of the solution. If you want to improve your content then you also need to make those ideas relevant so they provide value for your readers.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Source : dukeo[dot]com


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