4 Reasons Why Non Active Entrepreneurs Must Have a Blog

4 Reasons Why Non Active Entrepreneurs Must Have a Blog

By Sté Kerwer to Blogging, Mindset

There really is no “bad” reason or time to start a blog. In fact, with technology advancing at such a fast pace these days it’s actually a good idea for everyone to have a blog, whether you’re using it for personal reasons or business. At the very least you’ll learn how the Internet works, and you’ll learn a little bit about the technology behind blogs, but you never know… Some day, when you least expect it, your blog may just turn your life around.

Here are four reasons why even non-active entrepreneurs must have a blog.

Organize your thoughts

As an entrepreneur you’re used to being organized and in control of every situation. Just because you’re no longer active doesn’t mean that character trait disappears. You can use notebooks and calendars and a complicated file system to keep track of everything or you can move into the blogosphere and organize everything online.

Today’s blogs are extremely sophisticated. You can set up calendars and even share them with your network. You can upload files to your blog and they can be shared with your network, too. You can publish content to share with your readers and colleagues and you can publish private content that can only be viewed by specific individuals.

All of your organizing can be done online, with the click of a button, and it stays there until you delete it. You’ll have no messy papers to fuss with and nothing can be lost or destroyed.

Network with others in your industry

A blog provides the perfect online environment for you and your network of business associates to exchange information and ideas. Instead of joining some public forum where you have to deal with flamers and trolls, you can simply carry on conversations right on your own blog, where the information you’re discussing is right there on the same page.

Open up new career avenues

Being non-active doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready for retirement. Your blog posts are a public record that showcases your expertise to a much greater extent than any one-page, paper resume. And it’s online, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can send potential clients to your blog and, more important, potential clients who are searching the web can find and access your blog without you even being aware of it.

Generate additional income

It’s your blog and you can do with it whatever you want. You can sell advertising space to other businesses or bloggers, you can promote affiliate products, you can install network ads like Google Adsense, or you can even promote your own products and services.

It’s never too late to start your own blog and, as a non-active entrepreneur, you now have the time to learn the ins-and-outs, not to mention the fact that you probably already have a lot of the skills you’ll need and you don’t even know it. Blogging is all about consistency and organization, traits that are ingrained in every successful entrepreneur.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Source : dukeo[dot]com


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