Are You Making These Five Common Blogging Mistakes?

Are You Making These Five Common Blogging Mistakes?

By Sté Kerwer to Blogging

If I had a nickel for every blogging mistake I’ve made then I wouldn’t have to worry about blogging anymore – I’d already be a bazillionaire! There’s a jar here on the corner of my desk. Please deposit a nickel every time you make one of these five common blogging mistakes.

Rambling Blog Posts

Do your blog posts ramble around and never really get to the point? Start by writing your title first so you know exactly where you want to go. Then, outline the key points you want to present in your article. Now, write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. Next, flesh out those key points, and then wrap it all up with a strong closing paragraph.

Misleading Titles

Whether you’re intentionally or unintentionally using misleading titles, you need to stop. When a visitor comes to your blog expecting to see one thing because of what he read in your title, and he’s sees something completely different in your article, he’s going to get angry and leave, and he’ll never be back. You look like a spammer. Make sure your article body delivers whatever it is you’re promising in your title.

Forgetting to Proofread

It takes just a few seconds to hit the “Preview” button and proofread your blog yet a lot of bloggers forget this step. I’m as guilty as the next guy, so you won’t catch me pointing any fingers. Tie a string around your finger, drop a nickel in the jar, and don’t forget to proofread from now on.

Ignoring Formatting

I think some bloggers aren’t even aware they’re making this mistake because all the posts on their blog lack formatting, not just one or two. Take a look at your own blog. Are you using headings, sub-headings and bullet points to highlight key points in your text? Are you using block quotes where appropriate? How about indenting? Or are you just going to keep letting your content float over the top of your images? That will be five cents, please.

As a side note: Some themes just have bad formatting capabilities and there’s really nothing you can do about it. If you’re using one of those themes – stop. It’s time to get a more professional looking theme – now.

Not Promoting

This is another blogging mistake I’m not so sure about. When I first started blogging I didn’t even realize it was acceptable to promote your own posts, so I just didn’t do it. But now that I know, I have it right there on my checklist – Don’t forget to promote your own posts and any content you publish anywhere on the Web.

Everybody makes blogging mistakes, even the A-list bloggers, so don’t beat yourself up. However, if you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, then it’s time to put a collection jar on the corner of your own desk, and tie a string around your finger.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Source : dukeo[dot]com


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