Submit your Blogging Tips

Submit your Blogging Tips

By Sté Kerwer to Blogging

Recently I’ve had a few people comment that they can’t keep up with Dukeo. I publish too much, too frequently, and they love it, but there’s just so much to learn.

Well, believe it or not, even with all the tips and advice I’ve published and all my years of blogging there are things that even the great Dukeo still doesn’t know.

But I bet you do. So, why not share?

Now, before you get all antsy, thinking that people are going to come here and steal all your ideas, let me tell a secret: If 10,000 people read a post, only 10 percent of them will take any kind of action. So you could share your biggest, money-making tip and only 1,000 people would think about it in relationship to their own blog.

Of those 1,000, only 10 percent will actually try to implement your idea, and only 10 percent of those will actually be successful.

So out of the original 10,000 people who read your tip, only 10 – at the most – will copy your idea, and most of them will have to adapt it to fit their own business needs.

So, what’s the point of sharing your secrets then, if only a handful of people are going to get any benefit? You build a stronger bond with your reader. Think about it.

The minute I said, “Let me tell you a secret..” you sat a little bit closer to you monitor and you started paying attention.

Your readers know they’re going to get tips and advice when they visit your blog, but secrets… well, those are a little more important.

So why not share some of your secrets here at Everybody has a secret! Think about everything you do for your blog, every single day of the week.

Having trouble keeping up with all the great tips and secrets here at Then, let’s take a break today.

Instead of trying to catch up on your reading, stop right now and scroll down to the comments.

Share one or two – or six or eight! – of your favorite tips and secrets with everybody that reads this blog.

What kind of tips am I looking for? Anything!

And anything else you can think of. And if that’s not enough of a list to get your ol’ gears a’ spinnin’, well, gives us your secret to baking the world’s best chocolate chip cookies!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Source : dukeo[dot]com


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