When Money Motivates Blogging

When Money Motivates Blogging

By Sté Kerwer to Blogging, Mindset

A few years ago I read an article by an A-list blogger that just totally blew my mind with it’s negativity and I recently tripped over a similar post published just a few days ago.

I never expected anything like this from either blogger, especially now.

The topic?

One of my favorites: Should you blog about something you’re passionate about, or should you be passionate about your blog?

Yes, there’s a difference. Let me explain.

Actually, in his post, this A-list blogger pretty much slammed another blogger who decided to choose his niche based on it’s money-making potential rather than his passion for the topic. But this is a common attitude, especially among A-list bloggers, and I believe it’s the biggest reason most bloggers fail.

First of all, if you do the research, you’ll find that most of these opinionated A-list bloggers started their blogs years ago before they had much competition.

Of course they’re blogging about their passion because they had that option – they had no competition. Now that they’ve built their huge blogging empires on their “Passions” they seem to think that’s the only way to do it.

But, as I’ve said before, there are no absolutes in the blogosphere, there is no right way or wrong way to build your empire, and you options are limited only by your own imagination.

In my mind you’re setting yourself up for business failure if the only thing you take into consideration is whether or not you’re passionate about your niche.

While I believe you can monetize any blog as long as you can be creative and think outside the box, it’s just makes good business sense to admit that some niches have more profit potential than others.

It also makes even better business sense to admit you want to earn money with your blog instead of lots of warm, snuggly hugs. Few landlords will accept a hug in lieu of rent money.

If you enter into your blogging business with eyes wide open and own the fact that you want to build a money-making business then you’re much more likely to succeed because you’ll be focused on building a business, not a cozy nook in the corner of the Web.

To further my point, there are thousands upon thousands of blogs out there on topics like diarrhea, hemorrhoids, acne, asbestos, septic tanks and plenty of other similarly gritty topics. These blogs make good money with AdSense ads and affiliate products.

Do you really think these bloggers are passionate about their topics? Of course not.

What motivates these bloggers to build these boring, stomach-turning sites is their passion for making money with their blogs, their passion for building a long-term sustainable business. Actually, they’ve earned my respect for being able to it with these topics, too.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with admitting money motivates your blogging. In fact, it’s quite brave given current attitudes. If you want to build a money-making blogging business then stand up and shout it from the rooftops. Own it, and let those A-list bloggers eat your dust.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Source : dukeo[dot]com


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